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TRN : 596589 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.56 Crore | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative Wool Procurement And Marketing Federation Limited
Tender award for supply of pregnancy ration for cattle (type-ii cattle ration)
1422 C/o missing on Baldyain Dharmpur road km 10/0 to 16/500 [SH: Providing 6.00 mtr span RCC slab culvert at RD 12/040].
TRN : 596603 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 20.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for c/o missing on baldyain dharmpur road km 10/0 to 16/500 [sh: providing 6.00 mtr span rcc slab culvert at rd 12/040].
1423 Construction of link road from Garkhan to Berti road km 3/000 to 8/000 (SH:- Formation cutting 5/7 mtr wide in km 5/090 to 8/0, C.D. work, Kharanja stone soling, PCC parapets, katcha road side drain, km stones & dumping ste km 3/0 to 8/00). Under NABARD RIDF- XXIV
1424 Construction of Bag Kayalu Road Km 0/00 to 10/500.(SH: Formation Cutting in between km 2/00 to 3/00)
TRN : 596605 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 50.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of bag kayalu road km 0/00 to 10/500.(sh: formation cutting in between km 2/00 to 3/00)
1425 Up-gradation of Galog Halog road km 0/000 to 2/500 (SH- cutting works in curves, Retaining wall /breast wall, providing ‘W’ metal beam crash barrier, C/o V-shape drain, cross drain, P/L GSB, Grade-II, Grade-III and metalling /tarring in km 0/0 to 2/500]
1426 Construction of additional accommodation for Science Lab in Govt. Senior Secondary School building at Pahal Tehsil- Sunni District-Shimla H.P.
1427 Improvement of Black-Spot on Jalog Ogli Road Km 86/00 to 5/180. (SH: Providing and Erecting W-Metal Beam Crash Bariers in between km 1/700 to 2/040 and 2/760 to 3/100)
1428 Construction of Ambulance Road from Tara Devi to Duggal Cottage km 0/00 to 1/328.(SH: Formation cutting at Rd 0/045 to 0/210, C/O Retaining walls at Rd 0/00 to 0/020,0/080 to 0/100 & 0/130 to 0/144, C/O Breast walls at Rd 0/00 to 0/010 and C/O RCC Hume Pipe Culvert at Rd 0/220, 0/300 along with wing walls both sides)
1429 Annual Surfacing on link road to vill. Khatnol (link to Khatnol Dalana) Kms. 0/00 to 5/500 (SH:- Providing & Laying 25 mm thick bitumineous concrete in between km. 0/00 to 2/00 and 3/500 to 5/500) under PERFORMANCE BASED FINANCIAL INCENTIVE 2017-18
1430 Restoration of Rain damages SH CO protection wall near 123 Sunder Building Krishna Nagar) in ward No 13
TRN : 596617 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 9.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for restoration of rain damages sh co protection wall near 123 sunder building krishna nagar) in ward no 13

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