You have searched for shimla-himachal-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

731 Construction of link road from Panasha Khadir Bowali to Jundu Km 0.000 to 3.000 SH M T C.D work Side drain essential parapets R. walls B. walls at various RDs and maintenance for five year after completion HP06315
732 Construciton of Primary Health Center Building at Susnal Distt. Bilaspur (HP). (SH:- C/o Building portion, water supply & sanitary installation, septic tank and site development).
733 Construction of link road from Glad to Boong Km 0.000 to 3.120 SH M.T. C.D work side drain essential parapets R. walls B. walls at various RDs and maintenance for five year after completion HP06314
734 Construction of link road from Mangta to Kushwa Km. 0.00 to 6.670 SH M.T. C.D work side drain essential parapets R.walls B.walls at various RDs and maintenance for five year after completion Construction of link road from Bakhan to Kharga Km. 0.00 to
735 Construction of Rajpura Darshal Mantalni road Km 0.000 to 5.210 SH F C 5 7 mtr wide R wall B wall RCC hume pipe culvert Katcha drain and Logo sign board including C O 55.00 mtr span bridge at RD 1.735 and 24.00 mtr pan bridge at RD 4.105HP09367 HP0
736 Construction of Link road from Sowan to Doi Km 0.000 to 4.250 SH F C 5 7 mtr wide R wall B wall RCC hume pipe culvert Katcha drain and Logo sign board HP9368
737 Construction of link road to village Runpoo Km 0.000 to 6.400 SH Formation cutting 5 7 mtr wide R. wall B. wall RCC Hume Pipe Culvert Katcha drain and Logo sign board including C. O 40.00 mtr. Span bridge at RD 2.020 HP09366 and HP09372
738 CAD for FIS Naar in GP Bamta Tehsil Chopal Distt Shimla
TRN : 643653 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 14.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for cad for fis naar in gp bamta tehsil chopal distt shimla
739 Up gradation of O.T. No. 3 and 4 to Modular operation theatre with HVAC by providing puffy paneling, laminar air flow, anti bacterial flooring and paint, AHU and HVAC etc. in IGMC Shimla.
740 Ordinary Repair of Kundlu Bridge on PinjoreBaddi Nalagarh Swarghat road on NH 21A New NH 105 from Kms 17.400 to 66.275 SH Rehabilitation of Kundlu Bridge on Down Stream protection work at Rds. 48.818 12.50 Metre

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