You have searched for shimla-himachal-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

721 Construction of Kachinghati to Ahar road Km 0.000 to 4.465 SH M T R wall Cross drainage work PCC drain PCC Parapets Logo sign board and five year routine maintenance after completion HP09388
722 Action plan removal of black spots on Rampur Gaura Mashnoo Sarahan Jeori road Km 0.000 to 61.000 (SH Providing and errecting W metal beam crash barrier at RD 34.400 to 34.550 and 24.600 to 34.855)
723 Construction of Rai Bahli to Lahru road Km 0.000 to 5.840 .SH. M T R wall RCC hume pipe V shape drain PCC Parapets Logo sign board and five year routine maintenance after completion HP09379
724 A.R and M.O PWD office complex at Rampur in Distt. Shimla HP (SH Oil bond Dismantling, painting and repair to plaster etc.)
TRN : 644697 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for a.r and m.o pwd office complex at rampur in distt. shimla hp (sh oil bond dismantling, painting and repair to plaster etc.)
725 Construction of Kuridhar Kunth road Km 0.000 to 14.330 SH M T R wall B wall RCC Hume pipe culvert V shape drain PCC Parapets Logo sign board and five year routine maintenance after completion HP09386
726 Removal of black spot on Gharat Sarahan road Km. 0.00 to 5.00 (SH. Removal of formation deficiency, C.O B.wall and R.wall between 1.440 to 1.500)
727 Construction of Kashadhar to Darkali road Km 0.000 to 22.700 SH M T R wall B wall RCC Hume pipe culvert V shape drain PCC Parapets Logo sign board and five year routine maintenance after completionHP09387
728 Construction of link road from Wazir Bowali to Mohali Km. 0/00 to 26/00. (SH Construction of 6mtrs span slab culvert at Rd. 17/980).
729 Construction of link road from Panasha Khadir Bowali to Jundu Km 0.000 to 3.000 SH M T C.D work Side drain essential parapets R. walls B. walls at various RDs and maintenance for five year after completion HP06315
730 Construction of link road from Wazir Bowali to Mohali Km. 0/00 to 26/00. (SH Construction of 3mtrs span slab culvert at Rd. 21/320).

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