1139Construction of W.B.M. Road Shindewasti to Sutar Mohitewasti , Giravi Road to Vishnu Raut Wasti , Repaire to road At Giravi Bhamb Road To Madane Wasti , Const. of Cemenet Concrete Road Kanher Road to Barvewasti.
Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
7.80 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department
1140Const. of Nivara Shed ( Mane Mala ,Mahadeo Mala ) Const. of Mini Anganwadi Shed ( Bankar Wasti ) , Const. of Gutter (Laxmi aai Mandir to Odha ,Misalwasti to Laxamiai mandir (F) Const. of Compound wall Z.P. School Gaothan At - kanher. , S.R to Anga
Solapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
9.31 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Development Department