You have searched for sonipat-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

91 Khurampur DNIT for providing Independent water works for village Khurampur by lifting raw water from GWS Channel to proposed water works Khurampur Teshil Kharkhoda Distt Sonepat Construction of Raw water Intake Sump Well Silt Catch pit hodi Pump Chamber
92 DNIT for the work Technical proposal for estimate of construction of manholes and the covering of the gap of above 10’-12’ trunk sewer line of RCC NP3 of size 600 mm left out during execution of trunk sewer line connecting to the M.P.S and S.T.P of Kharkhoda Town. ''Laying of 200 & 300 mm dia 1057 m long SWP Sewer lines in approved area of Kharkhoda Town Distt. Sonipat. Estt. Cost. Rs. 57.55 lacs App. Cost Rs. 21.02 lacs
93 Estimate for boring 1 No Deep tubewell and connecting pipe line at village Kundal Tehsil Kharkhoda Distt Sonepat Laying of 6 id DI pipe line construction of sluice valves hodies and all others works contingent thereto
94 Annual Maintenance contract Sewerage Scheme Gohana Town Distt. Sonipat- Desilting from collecting tank at Storm water disposal at Gohana Town and all other works contingent thereto.
95 Plantation and Maint work in CIty Forest Murthal
TRN : 783172 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 24.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for plantation and maint work in city forest murthal
96 Estimate for outsourcing of services/activities for operation and mtc. Of water supply scheme in Eastern side of Railway line M.C
97 Plantation and Maint work in Kharkhoda and Bawana Blocks
TRN : 783174 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 24.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for plantation and maint work in kharkhoda and bawana blocks
98 Estimate for outsourcing of services/activities for operation and mtc. Of water supply scheme in Western side of Railway line M.C Sonipat.
99 Plantation and Maint work in Moi Block
TRN : 783175 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 24.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for plantation and maint work in moi block
100 Plantation and Maints work in Kathura Block
TRN : 783176 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 24.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for plantation and maints work in kathura block

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