You have searched for sonipat-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

71 75mm thick lining of M-15 Design mix cement concrete of Lampur Disty RD 13100 to 16300
TRN : 784271 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 7.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for 75mm thick lining of m-15 design mix cement concrete of lampur disty rd 13100 to 16300
72 Construction of Revenue Rasta no. 507 Mustin no. 76 from qilla no. 76/21 to 76/25 by P and F IPB tiles 80mm Village Kumaspur M.C
73 Development of park in village Kabirpur near community center M.C
TRN : 789474 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 2.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for development of park in village kabirpur near community center m.c
74 Supply of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 1 is use dilation 5 solution conforming for sufre in M.C area.
TRN : 789477 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for supply of sodium hypochlorite solution 1 is use dilation 5 solution conforming for sufre in m.c area.
75 Repairing and existing Staff quarter, bounder wall around staff quarter, Sluice valve houdies Including RCC Slab at boosting no. 1, 2 M.C
76 Rehabilitation of Drain No. 6 into RCC Storm Water Drain alongwith its covering and Construction of other City Drains in Sonepat Town under AMRUT Program at Risk and Cost of M/S MSKEL
77 Repair works in Slaughter house including shed work for ETP, Civill works, Submersible repair and ETP Repair near bus stand seed market M.C.
78 Planning, Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing, Commissioning and trial run (3-Months) of 2 TPH, 10.54 kg, NATURAL GAS FIRED steam Boiler in Mega Food Park, Barhi, Phase-III, Distt. Sonipat, Haryana.
79 allocation for cmc of machinery and equipment (repair, maintenance, service and operation ) in central sterile supply department
TRN : 843889 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 30.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Medical College And Hospital
Tender award for allocation for cmc of machinery and equipment (repair, maintenance, service and operation ) in central sterile supply department
80 Auction of sand / silt extract from JLN Feeder from RD 40200 to 83000 near Gohana Town, District Sonipat
TRN : 842217 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.08 Crore | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for auction of sand / silt extract from jln feeder from rd 40200 to 83000 near gohana town, district sonipat

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