You have searched for Tenders of along in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

271 Providing Gabion Wall along North and South Dump, at Mid Entry and Various other locations in Bina Mines
TRN : 852970 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 60.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for providing gabion wall along north and south dump, at mid entry and various other locations in bina mines
272 Proposed construction of Gabian wall along Nasardi River in front of Patil Prestige Building, Sambhaji Chowk in P. No. 12, Nashik West Div.
273 Supply of Equipment, Accessories along with Calibration Certificate and Commissioning of King Brinell Hardness Test Kit(Porable).
TRN : 851241 |  Thrissur - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Steel And Industrial Forgings Limited
Tender award for supply of equipment, accessories along with calibration certificate and commissioning of king brinell hardness test kit(porable).
274 Improvement of Chief Engineers Office Complex and Providing Lift ( Ph-IV).(Along with renovation of overseers and driver quarters at Chandmari and staff quarters at divisional Office Complex at Rehabari) PACKAGE 6 RETENDER
275 Improvement of Chief Engineer’s Office Complex and Providing Lift ( Ph-IV).(Along with renovation of overseer’s and driver quarters at Chandmari and staff quarters at divisional Office Complex at Rehabari)
276 Improvement of Chief Engineer’s Office Complex and Providing Lift ( Ph-IV).(Along with renovation of overseer’s and driver quarters at Chandmari and staff quarters at divisional Office Complex at Rehabari)
277 Improvement of Chief Engineer’s Office Complex and Providing Lift ( Ph-IV).(Along with renovation of overseer’s and driver quarters at Chandmari and staff quarters at divisional Office Complex at Rehabari)
278 Improvement of Chief Engineer’s Office Complex and Providing Lift ( Ph-IV).(Along with renovation of overseer’s and driver quarters at Chandmari and staff quarters at divisional Office Complex at Rehabari)
279 Construction of RCC Br. No. 3/1 over River Dikhow at Chiripuria Ghat along with road from Chiripuria via Ajanpeer Dorgah Road to NH 37 in Assam (Job No. . Sibsagar_ NESIDS_2019-20_01]
280 Rejuvenation of existing STP along with Lifting Station and Pumping Station including Sewerage Network and 5 (Five) Years Operation and Maintenance at Uttarpara – Kotrung and Konnagar under Hooghly District in West Bengal (Sl. No. - 3)

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