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291 NABARD RIDF-XXII and ndash; WSS to Pattuvam and adjoining villages (JICA aided) – Balance distribution network Phase I – Balance Fund - Laying Distribution line from Mattool Junction towards Juma Masjid Mattool along Mattool, North - South PWD Road in Mattool Grama Panchayath.
292 Re-construction of damage Guard wall of existing natural channel along the Salbari road at Kalpa Bhutta Chowk under SOPD (G) for the year 2019-20
293 Reconstruction of Flood Damage to Raja ali- Alitan Goni Road (Providing byReconstruction of embankment in core, sub grade and shoulder, WBM Gr-III as profile Correction/levelling course along with ICBP, protection work of the RCC Bridge No. 2/2, repairing of Expansion Joint and Wearing Course, cross drainnage work ) under SOPD (FDR) for 2019-20.
294 Providing and laying DBM and BC on 60 Mtr wide road Left side carriage way (Ch. 10.80 Km to12.60 Km) along Yamuna Expressway in YEA
TRN : 850236 |  Noida - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.59 Crore | Agency Name : Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority
Tender award for providing and laying dbm and bc on 60 mtr wide road left side carriage way (ch. 10.80 km to12.60 km) along yamuna expressway in yea
295 Providing and fixing solar powered LED Traffic Flasher/Blinker at prominent places along Coal Corridor road from ROB to Jagannath underpass of Bharatpur Project.
296 Protecting dhussi bandh by repairing damaged A spur at RD 144500 and Constructing X studs at D s and U s of A spur RD 144500 of 3 L bandh along river Sutlej by providing boulder stones in wire crates damaged during floods of 2019 Mattewara Complex
297 Protecting dhussi bandh by repairing damaged A/spur at RD 77150, 77400-3 L bandh by providing boulder stone in wire crates along river Sutlej damaged during floods to 2019. (Dhullewal Complex)
298 Removal of required sand diversion to maintain water flow near Intake well in river basin and complete machinery and pipe line leakage repairs and associated water supply schemes along with necessary materials and maintenance
299 Removal of required sand diversion to maintain water flow near Intake well in river basin and complete machinery and pipe line leakage repairs and associated water supply schemes along with necessary materials
300 KIIFB - 2017-18 CWSS to Resolve the Scarcity of drinking water in various grama panchayaths in Malampuzha – Phase I - Package IV - Supplying, Laying, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of distribution lines along NH 966 in Mundur and Puthupariyaram panchayaths

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