You have searched for Tenders of kozhikode in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

391 USR to o/o the Assitant Drugs controller civil station kozhikode providing paiting flooring shalves etc
TRN : 544858 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for usr to o/o the assitant drugs controller civil station kozhikode providing paiting flooring shalves etc
392 Improvements to Muliyangal - Kaithakolly road bet Km 0/00 to 2/000 in Kozhikode District
TRN : 544860 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.00 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for improvements to muliyangal - kaithakolly road bet km 0/00 to 2/000 in kozhikode district
393 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 Konnakkalthazham kovilakam poopoyil road Unnikulam
TRN : 544880 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 26.49 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 konnakkalthazham kovilakam poopoyil road unnikulam
394 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 Thazhe kakkad Akampuzha road Koodaranchi
TRN : 544895 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 30.28 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 thazhe kakkad akampuzha road koodaranchi
395 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 Alakkottu thazham approch road Kavilumpara/Maruthonkara
TRN : 544903 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 22.11 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 alakkottu thazham approch road kavilumpara/maruthonkara
396 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 GHSS Sivapuram Electrification
TRN : 544905 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.15 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 ghss sivapuram electrification
397 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 Kapally thazhe thode Side protection work in thiruvallur GP Retender
TRN : 544908 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.91 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 kapally thazhe thode side protection work in thiruvallur gp retender
398 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 Ariyoora kunchalimukku road Nochad
TRN : 544910 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 28.44 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 ariyoora kunchalimukku road nochad
399 Kozhikode Jillapanchayath2018-19 GHSS Balussery Urgent repair works (ceiiling,compoundwall
TRN : 544911 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.27 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jillapanchayath2018-19 ghss balussery urgent repair works (ceiiling,compoundwall
400 Kozhikode Jilla panchayath 2018-19 Mankayam Chenkana road in Panangad Retender
TRN : 544912 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.28 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kozhikode jilla panchayath 2018-19 mankayam chenkana road in panangad retender

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