993Renovation of Entrance portion of Gr. Floor by providing and fixing Granite flooring, Tread ,Risers at New Administrative Building, Madam Cama Road, Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
55.64 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
994Repairs to Grill and compound wall of Nehru garden and BJP office, Repairs to Fencing of Nehru Garden and Cleaning Campus of MTDC office and Providing Security grill on Compound wall at Churchgate, Mumbai
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
10.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
996Repairs to partition at flat 9B, repainting at flat 35 at Bandmans Qtrs, repairs to M.T. roof at G.B Satpuda, Repainting and repolishing and Repairs to electric room, pump room and water tank tower at G.B.Parnakuti at Malbar Hill, Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
17.06 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
997Repairs to false ceiling, providing and fixing Acrylic sheet and precoated sheet, repairs to panelling, repainting internally, constructing B.B.Masonry, sand face plaster, steel shutter and shed for vermiculture at G.B Parnakuty, Malbar Hill, Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
9.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
998Replastering and Repainting repair to door and window repair to toilet Block repair to External plaster Micro Concrete. Painting Front Side repair to vitrified tiles and dado improvement to drainage line of N.C.C. Building, Mumbai.
Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
48.18 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department