You have searched for -tamil-nadu in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2741 Construction of seed godown at Tapioca and Castor Research station Yethapur Salem District
TRN : 674791 |  Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 27.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of seed godown at tapioca and castor research station yethapur salem district
2742 Construction of seed godown at Regional Research station Vriddhachalam
TRN : 702625 |  Cuddalore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 25.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of seed godown at regional research station vriddhachalam
2743 Annual Rate Contract for Maintenance of Fire and Safety equipment at Group A SRPL Manali Pump Station
TRN : 675358 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 13.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for annual rate contract for maintenance of fire and safety equipment at group a srpl manali pump station
2744 Construction of Seed Processing Unit at Centre of Excellence in Millet Athiyandhal Tiruvannamalai District
TRN : 702626 |  Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 24.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of seed processing unit at centre of excellence in millet athiyandhal tiruvannamalai district
2745 Construction of seed godown at Regional Research station Vriddhachalam Cuddalore District
TRN : 674792 |  Cuddalore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 25.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of seed godown at regional research station vriddhachalam cuddalore district
2746 Construction of compound wall along the road side at Agricultural College and Research Institute Madurai
TRN : 702627 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 65.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of compound wall along the road side at agricultural college and research institute madurai
2747 "Widening and Improvements, Providing Centre Median Widening of Culverts, Construction of Retaining Wall and Including Upkeeping for Period of 60 Months on Government Roads in Karur (Highways), C&M, Sub Division. Package No.20 A) Widening from Two lane to Four lane and Improvements of Old NH 67 road Veerarackiyam to Sukkaliyur (via)Gandhigramam within the Karur town limit at km 206/6 - 207/2 including providing centre median (SHU145) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months B) Widening the curve at km 206/350 - 206/6 of Old NH 67 road Veerarackiyam to Sukkaliyur (via)Gandhigramam within the Karur town limit including widening of culvert at km.206/6 & providing centre median(SH 145) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months C) Widening from Two lane to Three lane and Improvements of Old NH 67 road Veerarackiyam to Sukkaliyur (via)Gandhigramam within the Karur town limit at km 209/6-210/8 including providing centre median (SHU145) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months D) Providing Center Median at km 68/6 - 69/0 & 69/4 - 70/2 of Dindigul - Gujiliamparai - Karur Road (SH 74) E) Construction of Retaining wall at km 3/2, 3/4, 3/6, 4/2 of Nerur - Thalavapalayam CC road"
2748 Providing chain link fencing along the east and western side of S block southern side of T block and south and Northern boundary of pungar block at Agricultural Research Station Bhavanisagar
2749 Construction of Seed Processing Unit at Centre of Excellence in Millet Athiyandhal Tiruvannamalai District
TRN : 674793 |  Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 24.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of seed processing unit at centre of excellence in millet athiyandhal tiruvannamalai district
2750 Supply of 66 Set-Kinder Garten Materials for 31 Chennai Kinder Garten Schools
TRN : 702642 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 61.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for supply of 66 set-kinder garten materials for 31 chennai kinder garten schools

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