You have searched for -tamil-nadu in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2751 Construction of compound wall along the road side at Agricultural College and Research Institute Madurai
TRN : 702627 |  Madurai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 65.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Tender award for construction of compound wall along the road side at agricultural college and research institute madurai
2752 Providing chain link fencing along the east and western side of S block southern side of T block and south and Northern boundary of pungar block at Agricultural Research Station Bhavanisagar
2753 Supply of 66 Set-Kinder Garten Materials for 31 Chennai Kinder Garten Schools
TRN : 702642 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 61.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for supply of 66 set-kinder garten materials for 31 chennai kinder garten schools
2754 Overhauling of sky climber air motor its auxiliaries in Unit I to V Boiler and conducting the load test of Electrical hoist in Unit III V to obtain test certificate from the Board competent person for the Year 2019 20
2755 Package No.21 Upgradation of Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads in Perambalur (H) NABARD and Rural Roads Sub Division 1. Upgradation of Pillayarpalayam to Thondamanthurai road at Km 0/0-3/650 - Road A 2. Upgradation of Pandagapadi to Pasumbalur road Km 0/0-5/0 - Road B. 3. Upgradation of Sathanur - Illupaikudi road Km 0/0-1/430 - Road C. 4. Upgradation of Road Branching at 273/4 of NH 45 to Malaiyappanagar road Km 2/0-2/900- Road D
2756 Special repairs to Govt. Roads in respect of Aranthangi (H) C&M Sub division Road A, Special Repairs to Erichy - Erukalakottai Road Km 0/0 - 2/0 Road B, Special Repairs to Erichy - Erukalakottai Road Km 2/020 - 3/0 Road C, Special Repairs to the Road Branching from km 2/6 of Ettiyathali - Arasarkulam Road to Vallambakadu Road Km 0/0 - 1/4"
2757 Purchase of 10.0 KVA Online UPS and 12v 100AH Tubular Battery-16 Nos
TRN : 672912 |  Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Technical Eduction
Tender award for purchase of 10.0 kva online ups and 12v 100ah tubular battery-16 nos
2758 Purchase of 10.0 KVA Online UPS and 12v 100AH Tubular Battery-16 Nos
TRN : 701396 |  Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Technical Eduction
Tender award for purchase of 10.0 kva online ups and 12v 100ah tubular battery-16 nos
TRN : 675346 |  Karaikudi - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research
Tender award for servicing of tg - dsc sample carrier for asc
2760 Special repairs to Govt. Roads in respect of Keeranur (H) C&M Sub division Road A, Special Repairs of Musiri - Kulithalai - Pudukottai - Alangudi - Peravoorani - Sethubhava chatram Road (SH 71) at km 57/0 - 58/4 Road B, Special Repairs of Musiri - Kulithalai - Pudukottai - Alangudi - Peravoorani - Sethubhava chatram Road (SH 71) at km 64/2 - 65/8 Road C, Special Repairs of Musiri - Kulithalai - Pudukottai - Alangudi - Peravoorani - Sethubhava chatram Road (SH 71) at km 61/4 - 61/8.

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