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3171Package 29 Widening, Improvements and Construction of Retaining Wall works including upkeeping in Ambathur (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Improvements of Noombal road at km 0/0 - 2/4 including Construction of drain at Km 2/4 and upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1984)
B) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu - Chithukadu road at km 1/240 - 1/380 including construction of retaining wall at km.1/240-1/380 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1965)
C) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu - Chithukadu road at km 1/380 - 1/800 including construction of retaining wall including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1966) D) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu - Chithukadu road at km 1/800 - 4/2 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1967) "
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.56 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
3173Package 32 Improvements, Strengthening and Rebuilding works and Construction of Drain and culvert works including upkeeping in Gummidipoondi (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Construction of drain at km 0/0 - 0/2 of Kavarapettai – Sathiyavedu Road (SH – 52) (Job Code :- 01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0128)
B) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km.0/0-2/1 & Km.2/4-3/0 of G.N.T. Road to Kannambakkam ( via ) Edur including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (Job Code :- 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3835)
C) Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/2 - 1/8 of K.S. Road – Thervoy Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (Job Code :- 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3863) D) Rebuilding of Km 9/2 G.M. Road – Sanaputhur Road at Km 0/0 - 3/0 including Reconstruction of box culvert at Km. 0/2,1/2 & 2/8 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (Job Code :- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1970)
E) Rebuilding of K.B.P. Road - Pudupalayam Road at km 0/0 - 0/300 including construction of storm water drain at km.0/0-0/300 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (Job Code :- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1978)
F) Strengthening of K.B.P. Road - Pudupalayam Road at km 0/300 - 2/0 including reconstruction of box culvert at km.1/6 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months.(Job Code :- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1979) "
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.72 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
3174Widening, Improvements and Improvements to Riding Quality to Government Roads including Construction, Reconstruction of CD works, Construction of Retaining wall, Well Protective Wall and Up keeping for a period of 60 months in Mettur (H) C&M Sub Division (Package-35)
The Following works are involved in this package
1) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km.15/500-16/4 of Omalur - Mecheri - Pennagaram Road (via) Perumpalai (SH 222) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4523
2) Improvements of Omalur - Mecheri - Pennagaram Road (via) Perumpalai at Km.16/8-18/4 including Curve Widening at Km.17/10 & 18/4, Construction of Retaining Wall at Km.18/4, Construction of Well Protective Wall at Km.17/10 (SH-222) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months 01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0377
3) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km.18/4-20/0 of Omalur - Mecheri - Pennagaram Road (via) Perumpalai (SH 222) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4526
4) Construction of Retaining Wall at Km.6/6 of Malligundam - Koonandiyur road including Reconstruction of Box Culvert & Retaining Wall at Km.4/6 and Construction of Box Culvert & Retaining Wall at Km.3/10 (M-238) 01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1324
5) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km.3/0-6/634 of Malligundam - Koonandiyur Road (MD-238) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4532
6) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km.0/0-1/0 of Raman Nagar - Koonandiyur road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4541
7) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Raman Nagar - Koonandiyur road at Km.1/0-2/0 including Dip Raising at Km.1/10, Construction of Retaining Wall at Km.1/8 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2615"
Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.92 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
3175Package 28 Widening, Improvements and Construction of Retaining Wall works including upkeeping in Ambathur (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu -Chithukadu road at km 0/0 - 0/820 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code -01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1961)
B) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu -Chithukadu road at km 0/820 - 0/960 including construction of retaining wall at km.0/820-0/960 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1962)
C) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu -Chithukadu road at km 0/960 - 1/100 including construction of retaining wall at km.0/960-1/100 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1963) D) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu -Chithukadu road at km 1/100 - 1/240 including construction of retaining wall at km.1/100-1/240 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1964)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.01 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
3176Widening, Improvements and Construction of Retaining Wall works including upkeeping in Ambathur (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Improvements of Noombal road at km 0/0 - 2/4 including Construction of drain at Km 2/4 and upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1984)
B) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu - Chithukadu road at km 1/240 - 1/380 including construction of retaining wall at km.1/240-1/380 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1965)
C) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu - Chithukadu road at km 1/380 - 1/800 including construction of retaining wall including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1966) D) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu - Chithukadu road at km 1/800 - 4/2 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1967)
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.56 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
3177Package 33 Improvement works including upkeeping in Ponneri (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km.0/0-4/237 M.K.T Road - Cheppakkam (via) Mouthampedu Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (JOB CODE:- 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3837)
B) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km.0/0 - 1/5 of GNT Road - Mondiamman Nagar including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (JOB CODE:- 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3838)
C) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km.0/0 - 1/0 of C.P Road - Andarkuppam Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (JOB CODE:- 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3839) D) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km.0/0-0/6 of TPP Road to Athipattu Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (JOB CODE:- 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3840)
E) Improvements of Vadaperumbakkam – Chettimedu - Gnayiru Road at Km 13/2 - 15/0 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (JOB CODE:- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1974)
F) Improvements of Vadaperumbakkam – Chettimedu - Gnayiru Road at Km 15/0 - 16/8 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (JOB CODE:- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1975)
G) Improvements of Vadaperumbakkam – Chettimedu - Gnayiru Road at Km 16/8 - 19/070 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (JOB CODE:- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1976)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.63 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
3179Package 27 Widening, Improvement work and Construction of Footpath, Centre Median and Box Culvert works including upkeeping in Ambathur (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Construction of Box culvert at km 6/10 of Vanagaram - Ambathur - Puzhal Road (SH 205) (Job code- 01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0112)
B) Construction of Box culvert at km 9/4 of Madhavaram - Redhills Road (SH 111) (Job code-01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0113)
C) Construction Center Median at km 0/2-1/2 of Madhavaram - Redhills Road including cover slab at km.1/6-1/8 ( R/S )(SH 111) (Job code-01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0114) D) Construction Center Median at km 1/1-1/3 of Thirumangalam - Mugappair road including footpath at km.1/2-1/8 ( L/S & R/S )(SH 112) (Job code-01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0115)
E) Providing footpath at km 1/8-2/325 ( L/S & R/S) of Thirumangalam - Mugappair road (SH 112) (Job code-01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0127)
F) Improvements of T.P.P Road to Sadayankuppam Road at km 0/0 - 2/910 including Construction of Drain at Km 0/2 & 2/8, including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job code- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1983)
G) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Parivakkam- Pallikuppam road at km 1/4 - 2/4 including Construction of culvert at km 1/8 and upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job code-01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1960) H) Construction of Box culvert at km 0/6 of Morai Road (Job code- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1992)
I) Construction of Box culvert at km 1/2 of Km.9/4 of AVC Road to Km.1/9 of Pondeswaram Kilkondaiyur Road (Job code- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1993) J) Construction of Box culvert at km 0/6 of Km.1/8 of AVC Road to Military Road (via) Kollumedu - Veerapuram Road (Job code- 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1994) "
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.67 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
3180Widening, Improvements and Construction of Retaining Wall works including upkeeping in Ambathur (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu -Chithukadu road at km 0/0 - 0/820 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code -01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1961)
B) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu -Chithukadu road at km 0/820 - 0/960 including construction of retaining wall at km.0/820-0/960 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1962)
C) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu -Chithukadu road at km 0/960 - 1/100 including construction of retaining wall at km.0/960-1/100 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1963) D) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vellavedu -Chithukadu road at km 1/100 - 1/240 including construction of retaining wall at km.1/100-1/240 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job Code - 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-1964)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.01 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department