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3491 TTPS Mech II BM Unit V
TRN : 669238 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for ttps mech ii bm unit v
3492 TTPS Mech II AHP Replacing the Clinker grinder Feed gate assembly Power cylinders and its connected pipe lines Feed sump Hydraulic ejector assembly etc in unit I Bottom ash hopper ash disposal system during forthcoming overhaul 2019 20
3493 TTPS Mech II BM Unit V Cleaning
TRN : 669239 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for ttps mech ii bm unit v cleaning
3494 Supply MS Bolt Nut 150 X 16mm 3000Kgs for T.S.No.0470014
TRN : 540241 |  Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply ms bolt nut 150 x 16mm 3000kgs for
3495 TTPS Mech II AHP Replacing the Clinker grinder Feed gate assembly Power cylinders and its connected pipe lines Feed sump Hydraulic ejector assembly etc in unit I Bottom ash hopper ash disposal system during forthcoming overhaul 2019 20
3496 TTPS Mech.II BM Unit V Cleaning
TRN : 670161 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for ttps mech.ii bm unit v cleaning
3497 TTPS Mech II BM Unit V Strengthening of structural supports rectification of defects in the hangers rods at 56 mtr elevation boiler roof during overhaul 2019 2020
TRN : 670157 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for ttps mech ii bm unit v strengthening of structural supports rectification of defects in the hangers rods at 56 mtr elevation boiler roof during overhaul 2019 2020
3498 TTPS Mech II BM Unit V Removal of worn out cladding sheet plastering and insulation from the critical pipe lines repacking of insulation wool plastering and cladding at various locations from 8 m level to 54 level in Unit V Boiler
3499 TTPS Mech II BM Overhauling of FD fans A B of Model AN18e6 in Unit V for the year 2019 20
TRN : 669240 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for ttps mech ii bm overhauling of fd fans a b of model an18e6 in unit v for the year 2019 20
3500 TTPS Mech II BM Unit V Overhauling of ID fans A B of Model NDZV 31 sidor in Unit V for the year 2019 20
TRN : 669241 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 3.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited
Tender award for ttps mech ii bm unit v overhauling of id fans a b of model ndzv 31 sidor in unit v for the year 2019 20

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