You have searched for chandigarh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Providing Consultancy Services for Medical Gases System Setting up at Civil Hospital Sector-22, Chandigarh
TRN : 866135 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 52.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for providing consultancy services for medical gases system setting up at civil hospital sector-22, chandigarh
12 Providing Consultancy Services for Medical Gases System Setting up at Civil Hospital Sector-22, Chandigarh
TRN : 866136 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 52.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for providing consultancy services for medical gases system setting up at civil hospital sector-22, chandigarh
13 Providing Consultancy Services for Medical Gases System Setting up at Civil Hospital Sector-22, Chandigarh
TRN : 866137 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 52.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for providing consultancy services for medical gases system setting up at civil hospital sector-22, chandigarh
14 Providing Consultancy Services for Medical Gases System Setting up at Civil Hospital Sector-22, Chandigarh
TRN : 866138 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 52.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for providing consultancy services for medical gases system setting up at civil hospital sector-22, chandigarh
15 Providing Consultancy Services for Medical Gases System Setting up at Civil Hospital Sector-22, Chandigarh
TRN : 866139 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 52.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for providing consultancy services for medical gases system setting up at civil hospital sector-22, chandigarh
16 Providing Consultancy Services for Medical Gases System Setting up at Civil Hospital Sector-22, Chandigarh
TRN : 866140 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 52.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for providing consultancy services for medical gases system setting up at civil hospital sector-22, chandigarh
17 Providing Consultancy Services for Medical Gases System Setting up at Civil Hospital Sector-22, Chandigarh
TRN : 866141 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 52.5 Thousand | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for providing consultancy services for medical gases system setting up at civil hospital sector-22, chandigarh
18 Construction of temporary shed 20ftx20ft and other allied works at Tubewell No 4 IT Park Chandigarh
TRN : 863633 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 8.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for construction of temporary shed 20ftx20ft and other allied works at tubewell no 4 it park chandigarh
19 Providing and fixing of 4 Nos 150 ltrs water coolers and other allied works at High Court extension building Sector 17 Chandigarh Old District Court Building
20 Renovation of toilets and bathrooms in mounted staff at Police Line Sector 26 Chandigarh
TRN : 863635 |  Chandigarh Ut - Chandigarh
Contract Value : 4.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for renovation of toilets and bathrooms in mounted staff at police line sector 26 chandigarh

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