You have searched for haryana in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
511Contact for Outsourcing of Unskilled Manpower through outsourcing agency for running and maintenance of facilities various W/S Schemes i.e. Sudharana, Bishowas, Khurshid Nagar, Ahmadpur Partal
Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value :
8.23 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
513Repair and maintenance of 25 KVA 63 KVA and 100 KVA Transformers near plot no.154 outer road CP 4 near plot no 434 and 490 and near plot no 183 near P no 4 JNS in IMT Manesar under MCM limit.
Chandigarh - Haryana
Contract Value :
15.47 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
515Annual maintenance of Rural Water Supply Schemes underPHE Sub Division No 4Kurukshetra for the year 2021-22 Falling under PHED Kurukshetra Repair and maintenance of pumping machinery installed at existing 29 Nos tubewells List attached and all othe
Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value :
6.49 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
517Annual maintenance of Rural Water Supply Schemes underPHE Sub Division No 1Kurukshetra for the year 2021-22 Falling under PHED, Kurukshetra Repair and maintenance of pumping machinery installed at existing 14 Nos tubewells List attached and all othe
Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value :
2.96 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department