You have searched for haryana in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

521 Const. of Gaushala at Village Dhadoli Block Pillukhera District Jind
TRN : 857919 |  Jind - Haryana
Contract Value : 5.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Samiti
Tender award for const. of gaushala at village dhadoli block pillukhera district jind
522 Up-gradation of 100 to 200 bedded Hospital in Narnaul (Pdg. EI only)
TRN : 858003 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 1.26 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for up-gradation of 100 to 200 bedded hospital in narnaul (pdg. ei only)
523 Annual Maintenance Repair of pumping machinery, starter, panel etc. installed on existing water supply scheme Shadipur, Mastapur, Jiwera, Lula Ahir, Karawara Manakpur, Rojhuwas Sadat Nagar
524 Supply of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, Double Distillation, Incubator, Weighing Balance, pH meter Benchtop, Conductivity meter-TDS Meter Benchtop, Deep Freezer in all respect for sub-divisional lab at Public Health Engineering Division lab Kosli
525 Annual Maintenance Repair of pumping machinery, starter, panel etc. installed on existing water supply scheme Kohrar, Murlipur, Luhki, Lilodh, Khurshid Nagar, Bishowa, Mumtajpur, karoli, Tumna, Nainsukhpura, Ahmadpur Partal, Bawwa, Gudiani, Gujjarwas
526 Laying of 100 mm 2000 mtrs. DI pipeline at Village Musepur
TRN : 858005 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for laying of 100 mm 2000 mtrs. di pipeline at village musepur
527 Khushpura gr. of 05 No. villages, Mandiya Khurd gr. of 3 No. villages, Bodia Kamalpur gr. of 03 No. village, Berli Khurd gr. of 05 No. village Maintenance and Repair of Distribution system Rising Main
528 Satoura Estimate for providing 1 No. tube well in place of failed tube well in village Satoura Distt. Kurukshetra. DNIT for laying of DI raising main, prov and fixing wall mounting dozer, repair of damaged boundary wall and all other works continge
529 Annual maintenance of Rural Water Supply Schemes underPHE Sub Division No 4Kurukshetra for the year 2021-22 Falling under PHED Kurukshetra Repair and maintenance of pumping machinery installed at existing 29 Nos tubewells List attached and all othe
530 Construction of Street from H/o Ram Abhilash TT to H/o Nadar Singh in Hanuman Colony Ward No. 06, M.C. Barara.
TRN : 858007 |  Ambala - Haryana
Contract Value : 13.85 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of street from h/o ram abhilash tt to h/o nadar singh in hanuman colony ward no. 06, m.c. barara.

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