You have searched for himachal-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

3271 Annual Repair and Maintenance of various Water Supply Schemes under IPH Section Ramshehar under IPH Sub - Division Ramshehar in Tehsil Nalagarh District Solan HP for 2 years
3272 Construction of link road to village Runpoo Km 0.000 to 6.400 SH Formation cutting 5 7 mtr wide R. wall B. wall RCC Hume Pipe Culvert Katcha drain and Logo sign board including C. O 40.00 mtr. Span bridge at RD 2.020 HP09366 and HP09372
3273 Annual Repair and Maintenance of various Water Supply Schemes under IPH Section Nand under IPH Sub - Division Ramshehar in Tehsil Nalagarh District Solan HP for 2 years
3274 Annual Repair and Maintenance of various Water Supply Schemes under IPH Section Diggal under IPH Sub - Division Ramshehar in Tehsil Nalagarh District Solan HP for 2 years
3275 Annual Repair and Maintenance of various Water Supply Schemes under IPH Section Baddi under Tube Well SubDivision Baddi District Solan HP for 2 years
TRN : 644693 |  Baddi - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 11.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for annual repair and maintenance of various water supply schemes under iph section baddi under tube well subdivision baddi district solan hp for 2 years
3276 Action plan removal of black spots on Rampur Gaura Mashnoo Sarahan Jeori road Km 0.000 to 61.000 (SH Providing and errecting W metal beam crash barrier at RD 34.400 to 34.550 and 24.600 to 34.855)
3277 A.R and M.O PWD office complex at Rampur in Distt. Shimla HP (SH Oil bond Dismantling, painting and repair to plaster etc.)
TRN : 644697 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for a.r and m.o pwd office complex at rampur in distt. shimla hp (sh oil bond dismantling, painting and repair to plaster etc.)
3278 A/R M/O ResidentialQuater in PWD colony at Ramshar
TRN : 644699 |  Solan - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.18 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for a/r m/o residentialquater in pwd colony at ramshar
3279 Removal of black spot on Gharat Sarahan road Km. 0.00 to 5.00 (SH. Removal of formation deficiency, C.O B.wall and R.wall between 1.440 to 1.500)
3280 Construction of 4 No. Type Qurs. For PWD, Department at Nirmand Distt. Kullu H.P. (SH Construction of two No. type-II quarters in F F. including W.S. and S.I. work complete). Near Rest House.

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