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3301 Up gradation of O.T. No. 3 and 4 to Modular operation theatre with HVAC by providing puffy paneling, laminar air flow, anti bacterial flooring and paint, AHU and HVAC etc. in IGMC Shimla.
3302 Periodical maintenance of Link road to Makrer from Una Pirnigah Bihru road VR039SH Providing and laying 25mm thick bituminous concrete including profile correction in Km 40 to 50 and link road from Makrer to Bohru VR040 SH Providing and laying 25mm t
3303 Periodical maintenance of Lathiani Kodra road VR02
TRN : 643649 |  Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 34.34 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for periodical maintenance of lathiani kodra road vr02
3304 Balance work for construction of Play Ground at Chamiana
TRN : 643652 |  Hamirpur - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for balance work for construction of play ground at chamiana
3305 CAD for FIS Naar in GP Bamta Tehsil Chopal Distt Shimla
TRN : 643653 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 14.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for cad for fis naar in gp bamta tehsil chopal distt shimla
3306 Up-gradation of L064-Gurkotha to Ghadaitar road Km. 0/00 to 8/200 under PMGSY (World Bank RRP-II) Batch-I, 2018-19, Complete Stage, District Mandi (H.P.) Package No. HP-08-485.
3307 Up-gradation of L104-Batour to Bathar road Km. 0/00 to 5/00 under PMGSY (World Bank RRP-II) Batch-I, 2018-19, Complete Stage, District Mandi (H.P.) Package No.HP-08-478.
3308 Up-gradation of L095-Talyahar Pairi road Km. 0/0 to 5/100 under PMGSY (World Bank RRP-II) Batch-I, 2018-19, Complete Stage, District Mandi (H.P.) Package No. HP-08-511.
3309 Construction of L041-Slapper to Seri Kothi road Km. 0/0 to 15/750 under PMGSY (World Bank RRP-II) Batch-I, 2018-19, Complete Stage, Package No. HP-08-408.
3310 Up-Gradation of Nagrota to Gujrehra road Km 0/00 to 4/800 under PMGSY Batch-I, 2017-18 Package No HP-04-320 in Distt Kangra HP
TRN : 643592 |  Kangra - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.14 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for up-gradation of nagrota to gujrehra road km 0/00 to 4/800 under pmgsy batch-i, 2017-18 package no hp-04-320 in distt kangra hp

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