1585Supply, Installation, Inspection, Testing and Commissioning of Radar Gauge at 2 Nos X 650MT and 02 Nos X 1200 MT LPG storage Horton spheres and shifting vapour line in two Horton spheres at Indane Bottling Plant Jamshedpur
Jamshedpur - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
63.47 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
1587Dismantling and re installation of GOAB switch , 630 Amp, Horizontal and vertical Type at different places of Parej East OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
4.10 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited
1588Dismantling of 8inch/6inch dia pipeline from old sump to Kabristan / Sarna and laying of 8inch/6inch pipeline from haul road near coal stock to Parej colony water supply sump near substation at Parej OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
11.06 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited