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2941 Chemical Cleaning followed by high Pressure Water Jet Cleaning of Condenser Tubes of Condenser of Unit 1 of KTPS DVC
TRN : 750674 |  Koderma - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 29.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Damodar Valley Corporation
Tender award for chemical cleaning followed by high pressure water jet cleaning of condenser tubes of condenser of unit 1 of ktps dvc
2942 Repairing of damaged operator cabin door and power window machine and fitting of new safety glasses of BH50M-1 dumper 3544 and BH60M-1 dumper at Tetulmari OCP of Sijua Area
2943 Annual Rate Contract (ARC) for Maintenance of C and I System(Field portion) of main plant U1 and 2 along with their Auxiliaries, Plant Water Package and Ash handling Plant of KTPS, DVC
2944 H.T. Primary 3.3 KV 3 Phase and L.T. Secondary Switch 440 Volt Electrotecnica Make(TSU)Sl.No.1161 Amal.NT-ST OCP.
TRN : 751714 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for h.t. primary 3.3 kv 3 phase and l.t. secondary switch 440 volt electrotecnica make(tsu) amal.nt-st ocp.
2945 Repairing check dam on benti nallah near pit office under Ashok Project.
TRN : 750706 |  Chatra - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 10.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing check dam on benti nallah near pit office under ashok project.
2946 Repairing of 02 nos. damaged track chain guard (welding and fitting) and guard mounting broken bolt removing and tapping and track roller mounting bolt removing, tapping and fitting of IDM30 drill DR228 at Tetulmari OCP of Sijua Area
2947 Maintenance, repairing and reconditioning of GOABs in different feeders of 11KV at 2X10 MVA Murpa sub-station under Kuju Area
2948 Complete Repairing of 400 Amps 11 KV grade VCB switch make Electroteknica for primary controlling switch of 3.15 MVA transformer Sl. No.SGI-2312 at new KT substation of jeenagora under Amal. NT-ST-JG Colliery.
2949 Day to day maintenance of misc. water supply fittings o be used in the maintenance of internal pipeline networks of different types of residential qtrs. Of Basant Vihar Colony.
2950 Dismantling, repairing and fitting of HPSV lamp set 400W, 230V at different location under JOCP patch at ABOCP mine
TRN : 754503 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 35.7 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for dismantling, repairing and fitting of hpsv lamp set 400w, 230v at different location under jocp patch at abocp mine

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