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321 Solving seepage problem and PCC work at the back side of audit section of AFM office building at GM Office Piparwar under GM Unit Piparwar Area.
322 Repair of room at the the back side of the tennis court at Sangam Vihar Colony under GM Unit Piparwar Area.
TRN : 862827 |  Ranchi - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 7.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repair of room at the the back side of the tennis court at sangam vihar colony under gm unit piparwar area.
323 Operation and maintenance of sprinkler system and its allied surface pumps, submersible pump, vavles etc placed at different houses along the CTR behind Basant Vihar Colony for a period of 02 years under Ashok OCP.
324 Erection/extension of 220V/440V, 3 wire system at newly opened 06 nos. departmental patch/around periphery of the patch, near dumping sites with installation of one 50KVA, 3.3KV/440V transformer for proper illumination of the patch in r/o AADOCM.
325 Fresh wiring of Quarter no. D-1 at NSD colony under CCD, G.M. Unit, Dhori Area.
TRN : 862832 |  Bokaro - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for fresh wiring of quarter no. d-1 at nsd colony under ccd, g.m. unit, dhori area.
326 Renovation of wiring and providing & fixing of light fittings for better and adequate lighting arrangement at area account office, Finance section of GM office, S.O. (Safety) office, Civil section corridor etc under G.M. unit, Dhori Area.
327 Cleaning of drain, mud heap, bush etc. from Railway crossing (Near Regional Store) to 16 no. and Babu Colony under Jarangdih Colliery
328 Construction of Bridge over Katri river near Katras Area BCCL for plying vehicles for coal/OB transportation, Approximate length- 65m
329 Cleaning of drain, mud heap, bush etc. from Railway crossing (Near Regional Store) to 16 no. and Babu Colony under Jarangdih Colliery
330 Water proofing work by providing APP at 33KV sub station, Koyla Nagar
TRN : 862717 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for water proofing work by providing app at 33kv sub station, koyla nagar

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