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331 Cleaning of drain, mud heap, bush etc. from Railway crossing (Near Regional Store) to 16 no. and Babu Colony under Jarangdih Colliery
332 Water proofing work by providing APP at 33KV sub station, Koyla Nagar
TRN : 862717 |  Dhanbad - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 1.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for water proofing work by providing app at 33kv sub station, koyla nagar
333 Cleaning of drain, mud heap, bush etc. from Railway crossing (Near Regional Store) to 16 no. and Babu Colony under Jarangdih Colliery
334 Repairing of store room and diesel tank room at EnM Workshop under Topa Project, Kuju Area.
TRN : 862684 |  Ramgarh - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing of store room and diesel tank room at enm workshop under topa project, kuju area.
335 Cleaning of drain, mud heap, bush etc. from Railway crossing (Near Regional Store) to 16 no. and Babu Colony under Jarangdih Colliery
336 Repair of existing oil and grease Trap (OGT) with provision of additional drain at entry side with annual cleaning of OGT system at Topa Excavation workshop, Kuju Area.
337 Cleaning of drain, mud heap, bush etc. from Railway crossing (Near Regional Store) to 16 no. and Babu Colony under Jarangdih Colliery
338 Repair and Maintenace of Qtr no M/03 at Kurpania colony under AKKOCP.
TRN : 862686 |  Bokaro - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 66.9 Thousand | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repair and maintenace of qtr no m/03 at kurpania colony under akkocp.
339 Cleaning of drain, mud heap, bush etc. from Railway crossing (Near Regional Store) to 16 no. and Babu Colony under Jarangdih Colliery
340 Annual maintenance contract for cleaning of oil and grease trap for a period 0f 02 years under AKKOCP.
TRN : 862687 |  Bokaro - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 43.1 Thousand | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for annual maintenance contract for cleaning of oil and grease trap for a period 0f 02 years under akkocp.

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