3255Cardium compound lubrication on wire ropes and servicing, oiling, greasing of accessories of 13no. Radial cest gates with stoplog gates, lifting beam and 100T capacity gantry crane and 8-number intake gates of LBMC at saddle no. 1 of tawa dam under pre-mansoon maintenance for the year 2020-21
Hoshangabad - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
2.55 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department
3256Various Annual Repair / Special Repair / Anurakshan Works in Various Residential Buildings At D Type Upant Colony Bunglow Char Emli Section No.03 Under P.W.D. Survey Sub Division Bhopal
Bhopal - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
60.00 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department