You have searched for madhya-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
3271Hiring of 05 nos Utility Van for various purposes on short term/long term basis for 24hrs per day for 730 days in Jayant Project, Singrauli district (MP) around operational area of NCL
Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
42.81 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited
3273Hiring of 01 no Light Vehicle (Covered Jeep) for various purposes on short term/long term basis for 12hrs per day for 730 days in Jayant Project, Singrauli district (MP) around operational area of NCL
Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
6.28 Lacs |Agency Name :
Northern Coalfields Limited
3280Cardium compound lubrication on wire ropes and servicing, oiling, greasing of accessories of 13no. Radial cest gates with stoplog gates, lifting beam and 100T capacity gantry crane and 8-number intake gates of LBMC at saddle no. 1 of tawa dam under pre-mansoon maintenance for the year 2020-21
Hoshangabad - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
2.55 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Resources Department