You have searched for orissa in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

23141 Toll gate on Bridge over Thalen on Tansunga Laikera road,Jharsuguda.
TRN : 506093 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 85.10 Lacs | Agency Name : Orissa Bridge And Construction Corporation Limited
Tender award for toll gate on bridge over thalen on tansunga laikera road,jharsuguda.
TRN : 506613 |  Chandipur - Orissa
Contract Value : 8.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Defence Research And Development Organisation
Tender award for provision of term contract for day to day services replace / maint of civil engr works (b/r) at mahakalpada
23143 Construction of 250KVA, 11-0.4KV plinth mounted substation with 11KV line, installation of 11KV metering unit and Construction of L.T. OH line with 150 x 150mm RS Joist pole for providing power supply to Musical Fountain at Bhindu sagar, Bhubaneswar
23144 Providing display boards for CSR works at Belpahar OCM of Lakhanpur Area.
TRN : 506404 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 3.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for providing display boards for csr works at belpahar ocm of lakhanpur area.
23145 Proposed Class Room-cum-Laboratory Building of Tara Tarini College at Purushottampur.
TRN : 506095 |  Ganjam - Orissa
Contract Value : 29.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for proposed class room-cum-laboratory building of tara tarini college at purushottampur.
23146 Making of 02 Nos. Temporary Shed at Filter Plant of Samaleshwari OCP, IB Valley Area
TRN : 506405 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 4.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for making of 02 nos. temporary shed at filter plant of samaleshwari ocp, ib valley area
23147 Improvement to the existing damaged black topped road inside North Odisha University campus at Takatpur, Baripada
TRN : 506096 |  Baripada - Orissa
Contract Value : 12.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for improvement to the existing damaged black topped road inside north odisha university campus at takatpur, baripada
23148 Making WBM Road from Jarada ODR road to Jarada Sub Station at Kaniha OCP of Kaniha Area
TRN : 506406 |  Angul - Orissa
Contract Value : 8.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for making wbm road from jarada odr road to jarada sub station at kaniha ocp of kaniha area
23149 Construction of facade of the Hockey Complex at Kalinga Stadium Bhubaneswar South side
TRN : 506097 |  Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.27 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for construction of facade of the hockey complex at kalinga stadium bhubaneswar south side
23150 Procurement of Chain Pulley Block for Talcher Colliery MCL Talcher Area
TRN : 506407 |  Talcher - Orissa
Contract Value : 41.4 Thousand | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of chain pulley block for talcher colliery mcl talcher area

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