You have searched for orissa in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
23131Improvement and Widening the existing road from L.V.Prasad road to KIIT International school and Internal road from Kurlon to Inden Gas Plot no.- A-4 and 5 and 2 nos. of RCC Culvert at Chandaka Industrial Area, Bhubaneswar.
Bhubneshwar - Orissa
Contract Value :
52.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Industrial Development Corporation Orissa Limited
23140Design, Development, Construction Madhusudan Park consisting of Civil works, Architectural works, design of benches, dust bins and Electrical works including decorative lights at Rourkela
Rourkela - Orissa
Contract Value :
49.71 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation