You have searched for punjab in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1481 Servicing repair and maintenance of split type AC in State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Sector 19 UT Chandigarh
TRN : 855104 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Administration
Tender award for servicing repair and maintenance of split type ac in state consumer disputes redressal commission sector 19 ut chandigarh
1482 Engagement of 5 No. part time helper unskilled for library in M.C.Ptk on outsource basis
TRN : 854914 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for engagement of 5 no. part time helper unskilled for library in m.c.ptk on outsource basis
1483 Supply of driver 10 No. semi skilled for M.C.vehicle and machinary out sources basis
TRN : 854915 |  Pathankot - Punjab
Contract Value : 13.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for supply of driver 10 no. semi skilled for m.c.vehicle and machinary out sources basis
1484 Engagement 35 No. Sewerage line maintenance karamchari helper unskilled for maintenance of sewer line in M.C.Ptk on outsources basis
TRN : 854953 |  Badal - Punjab
Contract Value : 16.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Nagar Palika Parishad
Tender award for 154 outsoursing karamchariyon ki apurti
1486 Kachpura sthit sthai roop se kharab Tuvel ke pas 17.50 H.P. I deep borwell ki adhisthapana ka karya.
TRN : 854960 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Nagar Panchayat
Tender award for kachpura sthit sthai roop se kharab tuvel ke pas 17.50 h.p. i deep borwell ki adhisthapana ka karya.
1487 R/C estimate for construction for public toilets in Park no. 15, Ph-7
TRN : 854903 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 12.34 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for r/c estimate for construction for public toilets in park no. 15, ph-7
1488 P/F of open air gym machine
TRN : 854907 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 10.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for p/f of open air gym machine
1489 Annual Maintenance of Split Window type Air Conditioner, Cassette Type Air Conditioner, Ductable Air Conditioner and Pillar Type Air Conditioner installed in Block A,B,D and L of GMCH campus, Sector-32, Chandigarh.
1490 Supply of Bio-Medical Waste Collection Bags for the use in Health Department, U.T., Chandigarh.
TRN : 855107 |  Chandigarh - Punjab
Contract Value : 96.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Administration
Tender award for supply of bio-medical waste collection bags for the use in health department, u.t., chandigarh.

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