You have searched for tamil-nadu in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2321 sypply of Electrical Equipment
TRN : 715632 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 49.8 Thousand | Agency Name : Department Of Technical Eduction
Tender award for sypply of electrical equipment
TRN : 715633 |  Coimbatore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 1.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Technical Eduction
Tender award for supply of equipments
2323 Special repairs to Govt. Roads in respect of Thirumayam (H) C&M Sub division Road A, Special Repairs to Km 12/4 of Namanasamudram - Ponnamaravathy road to Peraiyur road at Km 1/0-2/530 Road B, Special Repairs to Arimalam - Thirumayam road at Km 9/0-10/8 Road C, Special Repairs to Panayapatti - Rangium road at Km 24/0-26/0.
2324 Special repairs to Govt. Roads in respect of Thirumayam (H) C&M Sub division Road A, Special Repairs to Perumanadu - Konnaiyur road at Km 14/0-16/0 (MD827) Road B, Special Repairs to Koppanapatti - Vegupatti road at Km 33/4-35/0 Road C, Special Repairs to Sivapuram - Neivasalpatti road at Km 6/0-6/6 Road D, Special Repairs to Vaiyampatti - Konnaiyur road at Km 45/150-46/0 (MD729).
2325 Printing and supply of Diares for the year 2020
TRN : 714653 |  Tuticorin - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 9.10 Lacs | Agency Name : V O Chidambaranar Port Trust
Tender award for printing and supply of diares for the year 2020
2326 Upgradation of Three Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads as Other District Roads in Paramakudi (H) NABARD and Rural Roads Sub Division (Package 21)
2327 Printing and Supply of Calendar for the year 2020
TRN : 714656 |  Tuticorin - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 6.93 Lacs | Agency Name : V O Chidambaranar Port Trust
Tender award for printing and supply of calendar for the year 2020
2328 supply of Animal feed ingredients
TRN : 713398 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 32.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Veterinary And Animal Sciences University
Tender award for supply of animal feed ingredients
2329 Supply of GLF Spares at Trichy Airport for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 714664 |  Trichy - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 9.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for supply of glf spares at trichy airport for the year 2019-20.
2330 Upgradation of Two Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads as Other District Roads in Paramakudi (H) NABARD and Rural Roads Sub Division (Package 22)

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