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TRN : 713456 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Engineering Collage
Tender award for supply of interactive touch display
2342 Supply of GLF Spares at Trichy Airport for the year 2019-20.
TRN : 714664 |  Trichy - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 9.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for supply of glf spares at trichy airport for the year 2019-20.
2343 Special repairs to Govt. Roads in respect of Keeranur (H) C&M Sub division Road A, Special Repairs of Musiri - Kulithalai - Pudukottai - Alangudi - Peravoorani - Sethubhava chatram Road (SH 71) at km 65/8 - 67/4 Road B, Special Repairs of Km 17/0 of Keeranur - Killukottai Road to Rajapatty (via) Sengalur Road at Km 3/0 - 5/0.
2344 Extension of stores at DSC
TRN : 715464 |  Tirunelvelli - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 7.68 Lacs | Agency Name : National Council Of Science Museums
Tender award for extension of stores at dsc
2345 supply of Animal feed ingredients
TRN : 713398 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 32.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Veterinary And Animal Sciences University
Tender award for supply of animal feed ingredients
TRN : 715465 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Madras Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for appointment of marine surveyors for raw materials (dry bulk fertilizers / phosphoric acid) for one year.
2347 Special repairs to Govt. Roads in respect of Alangudy (H) C&M Sub division Road A, Special Repairs of Trichy - Pudukkottai - Aranthangi - Mimisal Road at Km 56/6 - 57/0 & 61/6 - 62/0 Road B, Special Repairs of Trichy - Pudukkottai - Aranthangi - Mimisal Road at Km 65/0-66/0 Road C, Special Repairs of SH 71 to vengidakulam road Km 21/0 - 22/4 Road D, Special Repairs of Vengidakulam road to meet Manipallam road (v) Manjanviduth, Malavarayanpatty Km 2/0 - 3/0"
2348 Construction of New Building with development works for P4 Basin Bridge Police Station
TRN : 713399 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 79.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of new building with development works for p4 basin bridge police station
2349 Special repairs to Govt. Roads in respect of Alangudy (H) C&M Sub division Road A, Special Repairs of Trichy - Pudukkottai - Aranthangi - Mimisal Road at Km 56/6 - 57/0 & 61/6 - 62/0 Road B, Special Repairs of Trichy - Pudukkottai - Aranthangi - Mimisal Road at Km 65/0-66/0 Road C, Special Repairs of SH 71 to vengidakulam road Km 21/0 - 22/4 Road D, Special Repairs of Vengidakulam road to meet Manipallam road (v) Manjanviduth, Malavarayanpatty Km 2/0 - 3/0.
2350 Earth work excavation, stub setting, concreting, erection of towers, stringing of 6 Nos. panther conductor and 1 No. earth wire for erection of 110 KV DC line on DC tower with panther conductor from the proposed Thirupathur 230/110 KV SS to Thirupathur 110/33 KV SS (Railway crossing Loc. No.53,54)

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