39883Re-excavation of Harna Khal from Karbala Road crossing upto Pukuria (Ch. 2.175 Km to 0.00 Km) within Block & P.S. Mandir Bazar, Dist. South 24 Parganas
South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value :
1.33 Crore |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
39887Electrical installation work incl. SITC of air- conditioning system & UPS for the vacant ward at 1st floor of Cardiology building for setting up a HDU in the campus of IPGME&R- SSKM Hospital-EI Work. (Job No. SS/OW/19 of 17-18)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.38 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department