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39951"Construction of semi permeable spurs in between ch. 64.80 Km to 65.30 Km and in between ch. Ch. 66.05 Km to ch. 66.45 Km projecting from right bank of river Sutarbug within a length of 900 mtr. in Mouza- Dakshin Roypur in Block & P.S. Patharpratima , District South 24 Parganas".
South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value :
1.78 Crore |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
39953Emergent Road side flank protection with bamboo walling from 29.00 Kmp to 30.00 Kmp and 32.00 Kmp to 33.00 Kmp of Krishnagar - Karimpur - Jalangi Road (S.H.-11) during the year 2017 - 18 under Nadia Division, P.W.D. (Sl. 02) (2nd Call)
Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
10.35 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
39955Repairing Mahisbathan - Natidanga - Nazirpur Road from 0.00 Kmp to 11.203 Kmp by pot-holes, patching pot-holes, profile corrective course, 20mm thick mix Seal Surfacing under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 18 under DLP of original Tender 37 / ND-I of 2013 - 14 by S.E. / S.H.C. No.-II, P.W.(Roads) Directorate executed by Modhusudan Garai, Krishnagar, Nadia (Sl. 01) (2nd Call)
Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
39.19 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
39956Fire Fighting arrangements in the College of Medicine & JNM Hospital and Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Kalyani, Nadia. [Civil Scheme) during the year 2017-'18.
Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
75.20 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
39957Construction of concrete road and drain from Basukati Bat tala more to Amalendu Panda house under
Sapuipara Basukati G.P. Within Bally Jagacha Panchayat Samity."
Howrah - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.58 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
39958Reconstruction, remodelling & Improvement to the damaged Sundarban embankment in between Ch. 2.705 km to Ch. 3.360 km at Mouza-Gobardhanpur facing Bay of Bengal at Gobardhanpur coastal P.S. In Block-Patharpratima in the District of South 24-Parganas, under Kakdwip Irrigation Division. (Reach-II)
South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value :
9.02 Crore |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
39959Repairing work of Karimpur - Natidanga - Nazirpur road from 19.00 Kmp to 21.30 Kmp (in stretches) under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 2018 (Sl. 01)
Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
14.09 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
39960Construction of concrete road from Jahaj Bari to Aamtala , Mouja-Jagadishpur within Jagadishpur Gram Panchayat under Bally Jagacha Panchayat Samity.
Howrah - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.18 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad