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40241 Construction of Boundary wall with Column Structure of Idgaha at village Haripur under Pukhuria G.P. in Ratua - II Development Block, Mouza - Haripur, Jl No - 99, Plot No - 418, 419, 479, 481, 482 & 483 under MSDP Fund
40242 Supply Installation Testing Commissiong of Additional Cooling Towers at service yard for NIPTB of NSCBI Airport, Kolkata.
TRN : 664845 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.37 Crore | Agency Name : Airports Authority Of India
Tender award for supply installation testing commissiong of additional cooling towers at service yard for niptb of nscbi airport, kolkata.
40243 Providing and laying of Concrete Block over Badu - Kharibari Road (near Kanchantala) from 0.00 Km to 0.120 Km under Barasat Bridge Sub-Division of Barasat Highway Division No-I in the district of North 24 Parganas
40244 Block Repairing of 136 Nos Quarters (70 Nos A Type, 50 Nos NTD, 12 Nos BEQ Type and 4 Units Chammary Building) at CH Kalla under ECL HQ
40245 Construction of boundary Wall at Kumarganj Graveyard, Mouza KUMARGANJ, J.L. No. 88 Plot No. 1245 & 113, khotian No. 01 under Sripur-II G.P. of Ratua-II Development Block, Malda out of MSDP FUND.
40246 Up gradation and thorough repairing work of B Type Quarters (22 units) to comply the standards of Block repairing at Jhalbagan colony under TAD, ECL HQ
40247 Sangho Building Of Paranpur Mahila Sangho at Plot No 309, Kh. No – 3069, Mouza – Mirjatpur, Jl No 131, of Ratua – II Development Block.
40248 Annual Repairing and Maintenance of quarters (As and When required) at Dishergarh area under TAD, ECL, HQ
TRN : 587813 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 8.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for annual repairing and maintenance of quarters (as and when required) at dishergarh area under tad, ecl, hq
40249 Repairing Cleaning of radiator of D-355 Dozer SI.No.TR- 487/G-11796 of Dahibari OCP, CV Area.
TRN : 678569 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.7 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing cleaning of radiator of d-355 dozer 487/g-11796 of dahibari ocp, cv area.
40250 Repairing denting, welding and painting of Layland Tipper SI. No.BPW-972 of Damagoria OCP, CV Area, BCCL.
TRN : 678572 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 24.2 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing denting, welding and painting of layland tipper si. no.bpw-972 of damagoria ocp, cv area, bccl.

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