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40271 Improvement of inspection path of Left Embankment of Chandia river from Ch-8.50 km (Balaiponda) to Ch-15.50 Km (Sridharpur) for a length of 7.00 km in Block & P.S - Moyna , Dist- Purba Medinipur
40272 Through Repairing of 1 Block N.H.S, S/S qtrs. Block No. 54, Twenty Units at NGM
TRN : 643325 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for through repairing of 1 block n.h.s, s/s qtrs. block no. 54, twenty units at ngm
40273 Thorough repairing work in three blocks B type qtrs. 12 units at Bhanora colliery Bl no. 1,2 and 3 11 units taken up
TRN : 506364 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 10.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for thorough repairing work in three blocks b type qtrs. 12 units at bhanora colliery bl no. 1,2 and 3 11 units taken up
40274 Renovation of Parira Agnibina Community Hall at Parira village
TRN : 615855 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 4.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for renovation of parira agnibina community hall at parira village
40275 Implementation of 5(five) Nos.Baitarani Scheme at Different Location under Honble M.L.A, 219-Dantan A.C., in the Dist. of Paschim Medinipur.(2nd Call)
40276 Implementation of 5(five) Nos.Baitarani Scheme at Different Location under Honble M.L.A, 237-Binpur (ST) A.C., in the Dist. of Paschim Medinipur. (2nd Call)
40277 Implementation of 5(five) Nos.Baitarani Scheme at Different Location under Honble M.L.A, 228-Kharagpur A.C., in the Dist. of Paschim Medinipur. (2nd Call)
40278 Implementation of 5(five) Nos.Baitarani Scheme at Different Location under Honble M.L.A, 225-Narayangarh A.C., in the Dist. of Paschim Medinipur. (2nd Call)
40279 Construction of a single lane R.C.C. Bridge at Ch.17.500 km over Tolly’s Nullah ( Sabuj Sangha ) within Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality at P.S. – Sonarpur , Dist.- South 24 Parganas.
40280 Hatigeria - Kultikri - Rohini - Rogra Road, 0.00 Kmp to 25.427 Kmp., Widening & Strengthening Work, Under Midnapore Highway Division No-II, in the district of Paschim Medinipur. (Ch. to PLAN)

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