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4031Probable Estimate for Construction of Pucca Drain at New 'F' Block & 'E' Block at Gandhinagar, under ward No.- 26, within Haldia
Length = 290.00 M
( The rate are based as per Schedule of rates with latest revision for Building works ( Volume - I ) ( including materials, labour & carriage ) effective from 1st November 2017 & including 3rd Corrigenda and Addendaeffective from 04.06.18)
Haldia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
11.56 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Affairs Department
4032Probable Estimate for Construction of Concrete new road from backside of Tentulberia Shyamrai Prathamik Vidyalaya via health Centre
and Ward Office under Ward No.- 14 within Haldia Municipality.
i) L1 = 273.00 M, W1 = 1.50 M v) L5 = 35.00 M, W5 = 1.50 M
ii) L2 = 95.00 M, W2 = 1.50 M vi) L6 = 90.00 M, W6 = 1.50 M
iii) L3 = 60.00 M, W3 = 1.50 M vii) L7 = 50.00 M, W7 = 1.50 M
iv) L4 = 30.00 M, W4 = 1.50 M viii) L8 = 98.00 M, W8 = 3.00 M
( The rate are based as per Schedule of rates with latest revision for Building works ( Volume - I ) ( including materials, labour & carriage ) effective from 1st November 2017 & including 3rd Corrigenda effective from 04.06.18 )
Haldia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
16.18 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Affairs Department
4033Probable Estimate for Tally Pilling works of Ponds by the side of road beside the house of Mahi Mallik, Salema Bibi, SK Habib , Prasanta
Mondal , Amar Patra, Hapiz Mallik , 2 Nos pond of Tarun Gayen , Ponds beside Jame Maszid of Salukkhali 130 No Booth under
Ward No. 07 within Haldia Municipality
Length = ( 26.0 + 2 x 22.0 + 20.0 + 22.0 + 25.0 + 60.0 + 50.0 + 30.0 + 43.0 + 30.0 + 36.0 + 40.0 ) M = 426.00 M
( The rate are based as per Schedule of rates with latest revision for Building works ( Volume - I ) ( including materials, labour & carriage ) effective from 1st November 2017 )
Haldia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
17.81 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Affairs Department
4034Probable Estimate for Tally Pilling of Ponds by the side of roads beside the house of Chandi Jana, Bimal Jana , Hrishikesh Jana at 175 No.
Booth under Ward No. 15 within Haldia Municipality.
1. Chandi Jana - L = 25.0 Mtr, Layer - 9 Nos
2. Bimal Jana - L = ( 37 + 33.0 ) , Layer - 10 Nos
3. Hrishikesh Jana - L = 20.0, Layer - 9 Nos
( The rate are based as per Schedule of rates with latest revision for Building works ( Volume - I ) ( including materials, labour & carriage ) effective
from 1st November 2017 )
Haldia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
8.30 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Affairs Department
4035Probable Estimate for Construction of Additional development work at 27 No ICDS Centre at Ramnagar Purba at Duttarchak under Ward No. 06 within Haldia Municipality. ( PH - II )
( The rate are based as per Schedule of rates with latest revision for Building works ( Volume - I ) ( including materials, labour & carriage ) effective from 1st November 2017 & including 3rd Corrigenda effective from 04.06.18 )
Haldia - West Bengal
Contract Value :
10.95 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Affairs Department
4036Maintenance and Repair to Kodalkati embankment for a length of 1.0km , Chikonmati embankment for a length of 1.0km and Mechpara embankment for a length of 1.0km on the both bank of river Chel in P.S.& Block-Mal., Dist.-Jalpaiguri.
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
15.10 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation