You have searched for west-bengal in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

7961 Supply of Meterials Construction of Cement Concrete road form Prasadchak Pry School to Bangeria Kat Pul at Prasadchak Under MGNREGA Fund
7962 Construction of Cement Concret road with brick soling form Furkan sk house to Jahibul sk house at Gakunda Dakshin Under Bhakuri-IIGP.
7963 Energization of newly drilled 06 Nos. STW Schemes at GOSAIPUR Mouza of ITAHAR Block under the jurisdiction of Raiganj ( A - I ) Division under RIDF - XXI programme.
7964 Renovation of Chain-link fencing. (100 Mtr.)
TRN : 774452 |  South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for renovation of chain-link fencing. (100 mtr.)
7965 Construction of concrete road from Tara Mandir to Nepal Baru,s Tea Shop at Satgachia Gram Panchayat fund Infrastructure Development Schemes.
7966 Construction of P.C.C. road from the pitch road to the Sukhdebmati Graveyard at Sukhdebmati Bablabona under Herampur G.P.
7967 Energization of newly drilled 06 Nos. LDTW Schemes at Chandol Mouza of Itahar Block under the jurisdiction of Raiganj ( A - I ) Division under RIDF - XX programme.
7968 Construction of Cement Concret road form Jubad sk house to Irfan sk house at Gajdharpara Dakshin Under Bhakuri-II GP
TRN : 766077 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 74.6 Thousand | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of cement concret road form jubad sk house to irfan sk house at gajdharpara dakshin under bhakuri-ii gp
7969 Supply of Meterials Construction of Cement Concrete road form Mondal Para Road to Handal Para at Raghunathpur under MGNREGA Fund
7970 Construction of Cement Concret road with birck soling form Rahadulla Depo to Saidul sk house at Gajdharpara uttar Under Bhakuri-IIGP.

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