Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.

56381 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433589
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 May, 2013

rendering of physical security services at the department of labour: giyani labour centre for a period of two years

56382 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433596
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  30 Apr, 2013

appointment of a service provider for the scanning of exit personnel files for kwazulu-natal department of education.

56383 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433597
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  24 Apr, 2013

supply: suture nylon) 1795 2/0 x 300 boxes.

56384 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433600
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  08 Apr, 2013

supply and delivery of stormwater pipes

56385 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433605
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  22 Apr, 2013

provision of professional services to assist the city of cape town with verification & capturing of 2012/13 accident report forms

56386 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433609
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  19 Apr, 2013

procurement and supply of kitchen equiupment to schools for a period of one yearq

56387 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433611
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  16 Apr, 2013

providing airline services

56388 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433612
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  25 Apr, 2013

supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of 50 laptop trolleys each trolley to accommodate 32 laptops), 50 digital data projectors and 1600 laptop computers 32 laptops per trolley) to various schools throughout the province of kwazulu-natal.

56389 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433617
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  12 Apr, 2013

provision of banking services

56390 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4433621
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  26 Apr, 2013

providing appointment of a service provider to process confiscated abalone on behalf of the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries: branch fisheries marine living resources fund) for a period of 36 months

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