Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.
providing of appointment of a service provider to process confiscated abalone on behalf of the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries: branch fisheries marine living resources fund) for a period of 36 months
providing of univen advertising
request for proposals for the provision of internal audit services at the north west gambling board in fine with treasury regulations 27.2,7
supply of deliver of defibrilator machine.
provision of security guarding service at stellenbosch: arc-infruitec/nietvoorbij, vredenburg
supply and delivery of semi-solid dosage forms to the department of health for the period up to 30 june 2014
provision of security guarding service at arc-itsc: addo
providing of appointment of a service provider to conduct an actuarial valuation of the post-retirement medical liabilities.
provision of security guarding service at arc-itsc: addo
supply and delivery of different types of electricity meters used in our network