Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of rcc wash block mt boys and ft girls including 2 nos. inspection pit 1 nos. soak well & 1nos. septic tank with all sanitary & electrical works etc. under need based infrastructure development 0f newly nationalized government primary schools 1st phasenbidnngps-1
construction of rcc wash block mt boys and ft girls including 2 nos. inspection pit 1 nos. soak well & 1nos. septic tank with all sanitary & electrical works etc. under need based infrastructure development 0f newly nationalized government primary schools 1st phasenbidnngps-1
construction of rcc wash block mt boys and ft girls including 2 nos. inspection pit 1 nos. soak well & 1nos. septic tank with all sanitary & electrical works etc. under need based infrastructure development 0f newly nationalized government primary schools 1st phasenbidnngps-1
construction of 2 storied rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works in different primary school at gr-13
construction of garage and driver room at horinpala dakbanglo at bhandaria upazila
construction of r.c.c road and r.c.c drain of horinpala zila parishad dakbanglo at bhandaria upazila
re-excavation of bakultola khal from km. 0.000 to km. 4.500 4500.00m in polder no. 29 in connection with the project re-excavation of small river khal and water bodies in 64 phase-1 1st revised in dumuria upazila under o&m division-1 during the year 2020-21.
construction of additional class room hari pur gps under pedp4
construction of additional class room south mondia gps under pedp4
construction of footpath work for dormitory 4-south side of the centre