Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
cross-section survey work of the river padma 8 nos. cross-section in between km. 00 to km. 49 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river ganges 11 nos cross-section in between km. 00.00 to km. 60.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
construction of 51.00m long rcc girder bridge on sonatola - chamurgacha - bocharpukur road at ch.2700.00m. b bridge approach road.
construction of 51.00m long rcc girder bridge on nurpur gps - nurarpotol uzr road at ch.1220.00m. b bridge approach road.
replacement of sanitary fittings and laying washroom floor and wall tiles of 2nd and 3rd floor of national museum of science and technology
construction of rcc wash block mt boys and ft girls including 2 nos. inspection pit 1 nos. soak well & 1nos. septic tank with all sanitary & electrical works etc. under need based infrastructure development 0f newly nationalized government primary schools 1st phasenbidnngps-1
construction of 54.0m long rcc girder bridge on kalashdhoya-gozaria road at ch. 1290m road id 110954034 upazila
construction of 60.0m long rcc girder bridge on digdaur up-charpara hat college station road at ch. 7000m road id 110953006 upazila
construction of 81.0m long psc girder bridge at kumardanga on fulbaria gc - pachpirtola road at ch. 600m road id 110814029 upazila
cross-section survey work of the river ganges 11 nos cross-section in between km. 60.00 to km. 126.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.