Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
emergency protective work by ms pipe palisiding at 6thp km. & 7thp km. of raozan-noapara road z-1629 under road division during he year 2020-2021.
construction of drain clearing old drain painting of guide post & culverts-bridges railing etc. works at 1stp to 12th p km. of vatiary-hathazari road z-1618 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
cross-section survey work of the river bhadra 32 nos. cross-section in between km. 00 to km. 154 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river i buriswar 16 nos. cross-section in between km. 00 to km. 90 & ii srimanto 05 nos. cross-section in between km. 00 to km. 20.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river rupsha-passur 9 nos cross-section in between km. 0.00 to km. 54.00 & ii cross-section survey work of the river ghasiakhali 7 nos cross-section in between km. 00.00 to km. 24.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river mahananda 12 nos cross-section in between km. 0.00 to km. 66.00 & ii cross-section survey work of the river boral 9 nos cross-section in between km. 00.00 to km. 48.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river padma 8 nos. cross-section in between km. 49 to km. 104 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river padma 8 nos. cross-section in between km. 00 to km. 49 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river ganges 11 nos cross-section in between km. 00.00 to km. 60.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
construction of 51.00m long rcc girder bridge on sonatola - chamurgacha - bocharpukur road at ch.2700.00m. b bridge approach road.