Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of 60.0m long rcc girder bridge on digdaur up-charpara hat college station road at ch. 7000m road id 110953006 upazila
construction of 81.0m long psc girder bridge at kumardanga on fulbaria gc - pachpirtola road at ch. 600m road id 110814029 upazila
cross-section survey work of the river ganges 11 nos cross-section in between km. 60.00 to km. 126.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river kumar naboganga 14 nos cross-section in between km. 0.00 to km. 85.00 & ii cross-section survey work of the river doratana 5 nos cross-section in between km. 00.00 to km. 17.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river chandona barashia 20 nos cross-section in between km. 0.00 to km. 125.00 & ii cross-section survey work of the river bhola 8 nos cross-section in between km. 0.00 to km. 59.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river badai 15 nos cross-section in between km. 0.00 to km. 48.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey work of the river i kholpetua 8 nos cross-section in between km. 00.00 to km. 42.00 & ii betna 17 nos cross-section in between km. 00.00 to km. 118.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
i cross-section survey work of the river barnai 14 nos cross-section in between km. 00.00 to km. 53.00 & i cross-section survey work of the river shib 13 nos cross-section in between km. 0.00 to km. 57.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
construction of 02 storied 07 nos rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under primary education development program-4 pedp-4 at different upazilla in during fy-2020-2021.
providing and installation of road overhead gantry overhead sign board & cantilever sign board at different k.m of different road sub-division-1 & sub-division-2 under road division during the year 2020-2021.