Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
repair and maintenance works of left dyke of teesta main irrigation canal in between km. 18.00 to km.32.00 under o&m division during the fy-2020-2021.
repair and maintenance works of right dyke of teesta main irrigation canal in between km. 17.91 to km.33.00 under o&m division during the fy-2020-2021.
procurement of thermobath with accessories purchase for power station.
repair of katka rest corner at sarankhola range under sundarban east forest division
construction of birbed wire fencing with rcc pillar at jewdhara station dangmari station kalamtaji patrol camp and dhansagor patrol camp of chandpai range under sundarban east forest division
procurement of spare parts and battery for installation & repairing of gas generator and diesel generator of bhaban.
providing & installation of ht cables from main power plant to desco-caab substation and from main power plant to admin building substation i/c related works
construction of 07 nos 2 storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under need based infrastructure development of government primary schools project at different upazilla in fy 2020-2021
construction of 07 nos 2 storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under need based infrastructure development of government primary schools project at different upazilla in fy 2020-2021
supply of circuit breakermagnetic contractorcapacitorpower factor controller etc for repair and maintenance work under f.m.division-1.