Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
work for repair seal coat work at 6th p 7th p 8th p 9th p & 10th p km. of kutubdia-azam road z-1076 under coxs bazar road division during the year-2020-2021.
supply of skilled & unskilled labour for routine maintenance work at different km. of different roads of road sub-division patnitala under road division during the year 2020-2021.
supply of skilled & unskilled labour for routine maintenance work at different km. of different roads of road sub-division naogaon under road division during the year 2020-2021.
establishment of national gene bank 1st phase project at national institute of bio-technology at savar dhaka. sub-head supply and installation testing & commissioning of passenger fire service/cargo lift and escalator at lab cum office and gene bank building savar
supply of stationary-computer related items
construction of foot over bridge/bailey bridge at bangabandhu hi-tech city-2 97 acres kaliakoir
construction of outlet structure.
construction of r.c.c inlet/outlet structure.
repair of dyke/guide bandh
re-excavation of khal.