Latest and live tenders published in japan. Click on any tender to view further details.
provision of electricity consumed by saitama city bureau of waterworks tobu distribution plant...
garbage collection management for saitama city clean center, osaki
operations management of bulky garbage processing facility at saitama city's eastern area environmental center
operations management of saitama city's eastern area environmental center recycling facilities
operations management of bulky garbage processing facility at saitama city's western area environmental center
supply of electricity to saitama city's western area environmental center - 2,228,700 kilowatt-hours...
supply of electricity to the institute of health science, saitama city public health center
consignment contract for the production of vouchers and other documentation pertaining
supply of electricity to the main saitama city hall building - 3,300,700 kilowatt- hours
supply of electricity to saitama city's disaster prevention center