Latest and live tenders published in japan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of electricity to the sewerage purification center of saitama city-2,549,000 kilowatt-hours
operation and maintenance service at konan-chubu water reclamation plant in lake biwa sewerage system
operation and maintenance service at konan-chubu area pump-stations in lake biwa sewerage system
comprehensive maintenance and management service at kosei water reclamation plant in lake biwa sewerage system
a business to perform internal and external services, such as receiving, sorting, dispatching, collecting...
driver's license headquarters building cleaning and maintenance service
a gasoline for automobiles jis 2) 4,000 liters b light diesel) oil jis 3) 15,000 liters
lease of personal computer 9 1set
rotary snow remover length 1.5 meters / 800 tons class) 1 1)
copying machines for hire including repair and maintenance monochromatic copying machines) 1 set...