Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.

9761 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969391
Location :  Lahore - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  12 Oct, 2015

supply of steel wire/m.s. bolts/nut washer/m.s. girder.

9762 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969411
Location :  Pakistan - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Oct, 2015

supply of wheel solid rubber alum

9763 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969425
Location :  Pakistan - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Oct, 2015

supply of bushing large

9764 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969431
Location :  Pakistan - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Oct, 2015

supply of bushing small

9765 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969433
Location :  Rawalpindi - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Oct, 2015

supply of aprons cook, cap cook, cookers oil carrying equipment, gas cylinder empty, meat box best quality, parat small best quality, tawa utensil cooking 45 men set best quality, tea pot best quality, tawa utensil cooking 150 men set best quality, chamchas uc 45 men set best quality, tawa utensils cooking 4-6 men set, utensils cooking 4 to 6 men set straps, kittling tea aluminium, 2 qtr, scale dial indicating weighting 90.72 kg, scale person weighting self indicator dial, scale weight 1cwt 50.80 kg, vegetable slicer machine, vermicelli prep machine manually operated, blocks, butcher, portable, scoop kitchen flour 1.137 litre 1 qt, axes hand single bit 02 lbs, black overall, brush stencil, chisel, ripping 15.1/2-in overall length, great coat, hammer, handle mattock pick 91.4 cm 36 ”, kahi helves, lamp elect hand hellenes front, needle, collar packing no. 4, openers, can mk-2 band, tub for water, saw, hand, crosscutting 26-in, funnel aluminum 1.137 ltr 1 qt, hot ban marry, knives, tables gs large, nail, puller, hand, panniers, pliers, side cutting pipe grip single joint 7”, pointers staff mk-1, spade, sprayed hand anti insect, tow bar recovery veh bracket, towing, basin camp bags, chain assembly single leg 1676, 40 cm5, chalk marking blackboard red, chest counter clerk, chest stationary ‘c’, small pack, shelter portable universal assy c, tank water canvas 500 gln, water bottle pouch, whistle ball arty mk-1, auto tel set pxl 2007, ascender/jhummer, axle cable reel rl-27xc, bty charger rectifier 5 kw, cable elect 65/0.305 cm 65/0.12-in, entrenching tool cover, test set demolition mk-1, cutter barbed wire high tonsil folding, fire ext dcp 50 kgs filled, ladder extending fire aluminum 15’, pail fire, shovel gs mk-iii, bar crow with chisel 5’x6”, axes felling, fire hook 12’, fire beater, axes hand, cell size aa 1.5f/gps 12xl germany for use in nvgs, stove kerosene burner complete 45 men set without stand as per asid specification, special belt with rappelling hock, flag musketry instruction red 121.9cmx 914 cm, test set demolition, fig of 8, gloves lather repelling / double layer, pully large, black overall, pointers staff.

9766 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969442
Location :  Pakistan - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Oct, 2015

supply of pad track shoe

9767 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969513
Location :  Islamabad - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Oct, 2015

establishment of model cattle form in nwa adp no.629/120350 2015-16 sub head: new darga mandi tehsil miranshah

9768 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969523
Location :  Pakistan - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Oct, 2015

supply of re-rubberization of track path

9769 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969532
Location :  Islamabad - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Oct, 2015

provision of sports facilities and sports activities in civil colony miranshah

9770 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :7969557
Location :  Islamabad - Pakistan, Pakistan
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Oct, 2015

aom and r/ special repair to ga/other than ga residential and non residential building in nwa during 2015-16

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