Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of ext threading tool l166.4f g-2020-16, inserts l166.og-16vm01-001 1020, internal threading tool l166.4kf-16f16, inserts l166.0l 16vm01-002 1020, insert cnmg 12 04 08-pm 4225 or 4325 10 per pkt, inserts dnmg 11 04 08-pm 4225 or 4325 10 per pkt, inserts snmg 120408-pm 4225 or 4325 10 per pkt, inserts vbmt 110208-uf 4225 or 4325 10 per pkt, inserts cnmg 090304-pm 4225 or 4325, inserts tnmg 110308-qm 4225 or 4325 10 per pkt, inserts dpmt 070204-pm 4225 or 4325 10 per pkt, inserts tpmt 090204-pm 4225 or 4325 10 per pkt, inserts n151.2-200-5e 2145 m 10 per pkt, inserts n151.2-300-7e 2145 m or 1145 10 per pkt, inserts n151.2-400-5e 2145 or 1145 10 per pkt.
construction of toe wall at 220kv grid station toba tak singh
purches of refrigerant gas / multimedia projector.
supply of refined tin ingot,
providing and fixing of iron suiting almirah at fatima hall new campus government college university, faisalabad
supply of rubber hose pipes
fiber shed at academic block no. 1 front of security huts, drop type barrier, door stopper, double impeller pump & foundation of transformer at new campus government college university
construction of pipe culverts and utility crossings at road no. 35 at new campus government college university, faisalabad
construction of b/wall & m.s jangla around the admin block at new campus government college university, faisalabad
supply of stone seed of mango, pet mass, nursery net, plastic roll, cloth bags, plastic pots, simple pots etc., plastic pipesnylon, fertilizer npk zarkhaiz, pesticideweedcide, insecticide, mango nursery plants, copies.