Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of multipin terminal strip; make:weidmuller; type: mk 4/16, order no: 0244220000; used in oiler iffi actuator
position limit switch card; make: iffi; part no.: de5094-3; valve serial no: 062021e01001 for economizer ypass valve; used in whr
solenoid valve 2 way; make: tork; model: s845003070; ody material: pvc; coil voltage: 110 vdc; used in neutralisation plan.
supply of pressure gauge; make: wika;type: 111.12;range :0-4 ar; process connection: 1/8 inch npt; center ack mounting; dial size: 2-1/2 inc h ; used in pneumatic positioners
supply of smoke detector; make:minimax; model: omx1001c; part no:800831;used in fire fighting system
supply of gas; refrigerant isceon mo99 r438a, disposale cylinder 11.35kg make:dupont usa.
supply of plate; safety; kks; mka67h009g; 14 ce/094/2006
supply of holder; mult;i rush; pn: mka67ha001g 009; slip ring; assemly cne/025/98
supply of duct tape; fis 50 mm wide, 20 yards-fsta 2x20dtgr
supply of pin, steel; 10mm dia, 50cm long; gr. 500, s 4449/05; chamfered edges