Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.

1021 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15572960
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  24 Apr, 2019

faricating & replacing damaged grp covers as per sample at wwtp image attached in pr record contact person : dipesh kumar chauhan 0522456862 dipesh.chauhan@dewa,

1022 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15572973
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  23 Apr, 2019

scope of work: - to carryout surface preparation and protective coating of l station ph-1 lending plant settling asin, wash water re covery system, lime stone recharging system area eams, columns, cross racings, pipes, pipe racks, pipe supports, platforms, staircas es, ladders, hand railings, pumps, valves and actuators and associated equipment etc. - to ensure an extended life of protective coa ting minimum 5 years. - complete tool, consumales required for the jo shall e arranged y the contractor along with special lifting a nd shifting tools required, if any. -technicians engaged in the jo shall have sufficient experience and skill to perform the jo. efo re starting the jo, contractor shall sumit their credential for verification and confirming their capaility to perform -surface pre paration y sand lasting or hand tool, iso 8501- 1: 2007 st 2/st 3 hand tool / power tool cleaning for areas having damage less than 0.25 m2. & iso 8501- 1: 2007 # sa 2.5 for the areas having damage greater than 0.25 m2 - paint manufacturer: only gloally renow ned coatings shall e used such as hepmel, jotun, sigma, akzanoel, caroline etc. - paint product, painting thickness & color shall e finalized ased on site survey. - coating system shall e est suitale for anticorrosion and marine environment. - scaffolding/acces s platforms in dewa scope. - warranty defects, if any, shall e attended free of cost within short notice at an appropriate time deci ded y dewa or mutually agreed -hand and powered tools, rigging/material handling tools, lifting frames, precision tools, grinding ma chines, inspection tools, and whateverrequired to carry out the full execution the work shall have valid test certificate from 3rd party licensed certifying agencies - personal safety and protection equipment, first aid kit and transport facility to his staff at site -the jo shall e planned and completed within mutually agreed period as per the units structures and associated equipment availa ility. the idder/contractor shall sumit a detailed program along with ar chart in consultation with dewa engineer responsile for the jo. - strictly adhere to the safety and security procedures of dewa at all times during their presence and while working inside dew a premises - warranty the jo carried out y the contractor to e guaranteed for a period of 60 months against defects arising out of ad workmanship, inappropriate testing/execution of jo and quality of coating materials used - contact person for this jo: dipesh kuma r chauhan off/ no. 04-8140603, m/ no. 0522456862,

1023 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15573014
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  25 Apr, 2019

faricating & installing safety hand railing at wwtp monitoring asin pits. site image attached in pr record. contact person : dipesh kumar chauhan 0522456862

1024 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15573032
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  21 Apr, 2019

farication supply of screw jack shaft as per sample for the guillotine damper system in hrsg-5 at e station. screw jack shaft 02 no. gears 02no. ush 04nos. material:en8 for screw shaft & rass for gears contractor scope of work:-- 1.#sample collection of sc rew jack length:6610mm, od with thread:63mm, od without thread:54 approximate . 2.#farication of new screw jack, gear & ush as per sample. 3.#material: en8 for shaft & rass for gears will e arranged y contractor. 4. transportation of material to their workshop oth sides. dewa scope: 1.#crane & fork lift. 2. dewa contact person gopal tewari 050-8806977

1025 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15573042
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  21 Apr, 2019

repair of laoratory refrigerator, make: lacold sparkfree fridge, model: rlhd13043, capacity 360l, temperature range 2 to 8 deg celsi us. scope of work, transportation of refrigerator, repair and return in working condition. contact person for on-site inspection: mr . rohan dsouza tel: 04-3228301, 050-4993497

1026 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15573056
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  21 Apr, 2019

scope & requirements: location: dip1 pumping station monthly amc-pm for tamco medium voltage switchgear, l&t low voltage switchge ar and its auxiliaries including capacitor ank, protection relays, vts, cts etc with contractor full manpower support & oem service support from tamco, l&t for the amc-pm in compliance to the terms and conditions and pm checklist attached in this rfx. equipment : tamco medium voltage switchgear, l&t low voltage switchgear and its auxilliaries including capacitor ank, protection relays, vts, c ts etc with full manpower support & oem service support from tamco, l&t for the amc-pm monthly: 1 day per visit x 8 visits per yea r 8 days all attachments oq, terms and conditions, nda & amc pm checklist as attached online with this rfx., shall ecomplied wit h compliance statement along with co. stamp & signature and uploaded and shall e sumitted online. for work execution and further t echnical queries; pls. contact leonito ds @ 0527038780, email: leonito.santos@dewa,

1027 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15573063
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  22 Apr, 2019

repair replacement of emcpii controller

1028 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15573073
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  23 Apr, 2019

scope of work: party shall visit the site and familiarise the jo efore idding. moilize men and equipment. tool ox talk for the work to e conduct and copy to e sumitted prior start of work. risk analysis for work to e carry out and report to e sumit prior to start of work. method statements to e sumit prior to start of work. removal of existing faric pipe penetration seal cleaning of the expans ion ellow flange connection and pipes all the removed olt and nuts shall e cleaned and luricated design, farication, and supply of n ew faric pipe penetration seal with necessary fastners clamps and fittings as per the drawing attached and to suit the site condi tion. fixing of new faric pipe penetration seal. all the required material to e ring y supplier for the installation dewa will notp rovide any tools and tackles and man power house keeping of the site and proper waste disposal as per dewa safety rule. work period # 3 days warranty # one year. technical specification and general terms & conditions the contractor shall visit the site and make himself fully familiar with the work scope, plant access, facilities, complexities, safety measures etc., efore he sumit his id the contractor shall sumit the schedule of work the period efore commencement of the work and shall e approved y dewa. dewa anticipates maximum 3 days all dewa safety & environment policy, rules and regulation shall e followed at work site during the execution of the work. the contractor#s engineer should e familiar with safety regulationswhile working in a hazardous area. all tools require d for the contract shall e arranged y the contractor. all rigging and transporting equipment should e arranged y the contractor. the se rigging tools should e duly tested and certified y the 3rd party inspection agency and the certificates should e produced on dema nd. contractor#s supervisor shall e availale at site throughout the period of work. the work carried out y the contractor shall c arry a warranty for one year and the contractor shall attend any defects come out of ad workmanship etc free of charge within this period. the contractor should apply for the permit to work well in advance and this request shall e followed with method statement, risk assessment as attachments entrypermits for the workmen should e applied with passport copies having valid visa. persons, wh ose names are not availale in the list will not e allowed to enter the power house. entry permits for the vehicle should e applied w ith copies of police vehicle registration. all the workmen should wear the uniform, safety shoes and helmet while at work. toolox talks should e given to the workmen y their supervisor efore start of work. all material and tools rought in shall e declared at po wer station security gate and the list of these items shall e signed y dewa security. the copies of these documents shall e lodged with dewa engineer in-charge on daily asis. this document will e the asis for the clearance gate pass to take them out on completion of the jo.

1029 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15573079
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  23 Apr, 2019

farication and replacement of lower motor ase plates for all 6 nos. package ac units. sustation name - mrtc 132 kv vendor shall pro vide 1 year warranty for the supplied materials and workmanship. contact person for site visit: mr. fein moile - 055-8034924

1030 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15573081
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  23 Apr, 2019

replacement of defective adjustale pulley with equivalent fixed pulley & its alignment for all 6 package ac units. sustation name - mrtc 132 kv vendor shall provide 1 year warranty for the supplied materials and workmanship. contact person for site visit: mr. fei n moile - 055-8034924

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